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This blog is a place where I share my interests with the world.

I am trained and work as a Creative Arts Therapist specializing in group therapy. I have passionately studied, worked, and taught as a hands-on practitioner of the Creative/Expressive and Healing Arts since 1983 integrating various modalities working in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings.

I currently provide Creative Arts and Counseling services to nonprofit agencies as well as occasionally teaching classes and workshops in communities of faith. I use compassion and acceptance to create an environment that is safe and nurturing for all individuals and groups.

In my spare time I engage in research and write articles on a variety of subjects, create: poems, music, abstract artwork, and photograph nature. Link to my other website. Creative Therapy Tools

Facebook Profile

Since the late 1990’s I have had some sort of web site(s) or blog(s) hosted on a variety of platforms. To help facilitate this I have collected a massive library of story/post ideas, images and quotes. Below are five (5) of my favorite quotes that express in part who I am.

“Real devotion is an unbroken receptivity to the truth. Real devotion is rooted in an awed and reverent gratitude, but one that is lucid, grounded, and intelligent.” Rinpoche

“There must exist a paradigm, a practical model for social change that includes an understanding of ways to transform consciousness that are linked to efforts to transform structures.” Bell Hooks, Killing Rage: Ending Racism.

“Wounding and healing are not opposites. They’re part of the same thing. It is our wounds that enable us to be compassionate with the wounds of others. It is our limitations that make us kind to the limitations of other people. It is our loneliness that helps us to find other people or to even know they’re alone with an illness. I think I have served people perfectly with parts of myself I used to be ashamed of.” Rachel Naomi Remen

“If there is no friendship with the poor and no sharing of the life of the poor, then there is no authentic commitment to liberation, because love exists only among equals.” Gustavo Gutierrez, A Theology of Liberation.

“We only believe those thoughts which have been conceived not in the brain but in the whole body.” W.B. Yeats